Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Modelin' kids and Photographer blitz'!

This morning I dressed up Ellie and Caleb and Emma and I had them model for me while I took lots of fun pictures. It was good practice. I tried to get some cute pictures of Melody but after about 5 minutes, she started to throw a fit, oh well:)! I managed to get a few cute pics of Emma and Elsa and Caleb, and I think that they're pretty good, if I do say so myself!


Lara's blog said...

Wow, those are some pretty darn cute munchkins!! I bet the photographer is cute too...hmmmm. ;) I LOVE Bubby's cheesy grin in all the pics. You're a good photographer and blogger Anne!!!

Spencer and Shreann said...

I love the pictures Anne!! I think my favorite one was the kids on the slide. I can't believe how BIG Melody has gotten! We love you. :)