Sunday, August 12, 2012

Queen Elizabeth... in America...

So, I was unaware that Queen Elizabeth lived in America.  Until little Zizzy came into our household... because as of the moment that she got home... (wait for it)... she ruled.
Everybody just responds to her every little whim. Queen Elizabeth may just rule the United Kingdom, but Elizabeth rules our household.  
A cry?  Everyone swarms her and tries to make her happy again.  A sneeze?  Everybody bursts into "Bless your beautiful hide!!!"  (From the musical 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'.  We teach 'em the classics young.) A gurgle?  Everybody crowds around whoever is holding her and starts talking in their best baby talk, competing to be the first to make her smile.  Anyway, you get the picture.  
And, truthfully?  I wouldn't have it any other way.

We decided to dress her up and get some pictures on Tuesday of this week.  As you can see from this picture, Zizzy was HIGHLY suspicious 

She really is a little piece of heaven!

Enjoying her first bath.  Or not so much...

I LOVE how the bow is just about as big as her head... doesn't it just add a 'Dr. Seuss' feel?  :)

The instant and I mean instant that I took this picture, everybody was doubled over with hysterical laughter.  Between this picture and the one at the top, you can see glimpses of the true Elizabeth.  I can't WAIT to get to know her better!

I love how she goes cross-eyed so often.

Awww, sleepy baby!

Beautiful baby

Angry baby (not quite sure why...)  Although, doesn't it look like she wants to chew somebody out?  Ha, she really has the BEST personality.  :)

Transfixed by the weird little red box that keeps flashing in her face...

Confused baby

Content baby

List of adjectives that describe Elizabeth:
And sometimes... 


1 comment:

Lara's blog said...

I think someone is smitten by her new baby sister. ;) Great post Anne!!