Friday, November 1, 2013

Art blog

I started a new blog for my paintings, in case you'd like to check them out in the gallery at  I'm hoping to add to it frequently as I finally unpacked my easel and paints, AND I have begun teaching a couple of fun, wonderful girls an oil-painting class, so I will have more dedicated painting time. I have two fabulous idea that I am excited to get under way!

Here is a painting from this time last year:


Spencer and Shreann said...

I checked out your art blog. I loved it! I had never seen the pictures of Alora and Lincoln before. They turned out great! You have a great talent and I love that you are able to teach others. :) If we lived closer we would have Ollie take lessons from you.

Lara's blog said...

Yay Amy!!! I love your blog and it's so fun to see all your paintings on there! :)

Marie said...

Thank you! You are sweet!